Application and Regulation


  • Complete application form with program choice (Download from our Homepage)
  • Copy of Passport, ID-Card or birth certification
  • 1 high-quality artistic Photo as JPG (minimum 1MB)
  • detailed Curriculum Vitae (Education phases and the teachers names)
  • Photocopy of the receipt of payment of the entry fee


has to be send by Email ( until 10th June 2024.

Application fee

Category Junior 60 €
Category A 80 €

Category B 100 €


Application fee can be sent via bank transfer or PayPal: 


name: Konzertdirektion Koltun gUG

Sparkasse Aachen

IBAN: DE81 3905 0000 1073 1402 93


reason for payment: Contribution, YOUNG EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2024, NAME, Category



Konzertdirektion Koltun gUG

Laufenstraße 42

52156 Monschau

Province NRW 


 If the application number of participants will be reaching over the max. limit the Organisation of the YOUNG EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2024 will dicide by random, which participants will be not able to take part in the YOUNG EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2024. The application fee of these participants who will be not invited will be totally refund.


For all accepted applications there will be sent one inviatation letter to each participant. There is no possibiltiy for refund the application fee for cancelling the participation after deadline of any reason. 

Application Form for YOUNG EUREGIO PIANO AWARD 2024
Application form YEPA 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 91.6 KB